Independent Research
120. Christel Livia Mascarenhas, Madhuri Bhattacharya, Sangita Mondal, Saurav Ghosh, Kartik Chandra Mondal.* Bulk Scale Synthesis of Dark Blue Coloured NHC-based 2-Seleno-Dithiolene Stable Radical and its Reactivity.
(Submitted), 2025.
119. Sujit Das, Amul Jain, Subuhan Ahamed, Bhanendra Sahu, Sonam Suthar, Björn Schwarz, Christel Livia Mascarenhas, Sangita Mondal, Sanjib Banerjee,* Saroj Kumar Kushvaha, Herbert W. Roesky,* Kartik Chandra Mondal.* Redox and NIR Active Octahedral Low-spin-Iron(III)-tri-radical Catalyzed Radical Polymerization of Acrylamides and Methacrylates at Ambient Temperature.
(Submitted), 2025.
118. Yan Li,* Chenfeng Wang, Sai Manoj N. V. T. Gorantla, Ming-Der Su,* Subuhan Ahamed, Kartik Chandra Mondal,* Zhifang Li.* Silaiminyl-silylene-derived diradical silacycles with an easy singlet-triplet conversion.
117. Yuanyuan Wang, Harsha Karnamkkott, Jicheng Wang, Yanling Zhu, Manbo Zhang, Manoj Kumari, Kartik Chandra Mondal,* Bin Li.* Synthesis and Reactivity of Germyl Substituted Gallapnictenes.
Inorg. Chem., 2025, (Accepted).
116. Sujit Das, Sangita Mondal, Sonam Suthar, Maria Francis, Avany A Raveendran, Karunamayee Mondal, Mahiuddin Baidya, Björn Schwarz,* Kartik Chandra Mondal.* Isolation and Characterization of Carbene-Supported Air Stable Low-Spin-Co(II)-Radical Complex with Bileptic Redox Non-innocent Ligands: Stability, Bonding and Photo-Catalytic Activity.
(submitted), 2024.
115. Harsha S. Karnamkkott, Sonam Suthar, Kartik Chandra Mondal.* Bonding of Diborane(4) and Diborene(2) Species Stabilized by Homo-/Hetero- Di/Tri-nuclear-Metal-Carbonyls.
(Submitted), 2024.
114. Sujit Das, Sonam Suthar, Maria Francis, Saurav Ghosh, Sangita Mondal, Sunil Kumar, Kartik Chandra Mondal.* Isolation and Characterization of a Blue Coloured Three Coordinate Cu(I)-Radical Complex with a S3 Donor Set .
Chem. Commun, 2025, 61, 2746-2749.
: 09/10 2024, :
[[Featured as Inside Cover]]
113. Saurav Ghosh, Saroj Kumar Kushvaha, Jayasree Kumar, Kartik Chandra Mondal.* Aerial O2 Reduction by Dilithium-diphenoxide: Trapping of 6-O22- Peroxide Dianion Employing Labile Ligated-Ni(II) ions and an Urge for CO2 Fixation.
(Submitted), 2024.
112. Kalyankumar Morla, Dewendra Thakre, Adarsh Mourya, Piyush Singh, Harsha S. Karnamkkott, Subuhan Ahamed, Subham Sahoo, Ishita Bhattacharya, Siddhartha Banerjee, Debajit Sarma, Kartik Chandra Mondal,* Sujit Ghosh,* Atul Wankhade,* Abhishek Banerjee.* Photochemical Hydrogen Evolution with Diphosphonate-functionalized 3d-4d Vanado-Molybdates: Structure modulation and Band-gap engineering.
(submitted), 2024.
111. Kalyankumar S. Morla, Dewendra Thakre, Tushar Balasaheb Deshmukh, Sunanda Malo, Ravari Kandy Aparna, Shubham Sahoo, Subuhan Ahamed, Debajit Sarma, Kartik Chandra Mondal, Balasaheb R. Sankapal,* Abhishek Banerjee.* In-depth understanding of the electrochemical energy storage efficiency between a series of new 3d-4d mixed metal polyoxometalates: Experimental and Theoretical Investigations.
J. Mat. Chem. A, 2024.
: 12/07 2024, :
110. Bin Li,* Yuanyuan Wang, Sonam Suthar, Manbo Zhang,* Kartik Chandra Mondal.* Comparable syntheses of terminal aluminum selenide and telluride.
New. J. Chem., 2025, 49, 1133 - 1137.
: 26/12 2024, :
109. Harsha S. Karnamkkott, Kartik Chandra Mondal.* Nature of Metal-Metal Bond in Group-V Dinuclear Metallaborane Compounds: Open-Shell – Open-Shell Vs Closed-Shell – Closed-Shell Interaction.
Eur. J. Inorg. Chem, 2024, 27, e202400252.
: 24/07 2024, :
108. Sonam Suthar, Kartik Chandra Mondal.* Probing Transition Metal-Fullerene Bonds: EDA-NOCV Analyses.
(submitted), 2025.
107. Jayasree Kumar, Sunil Kumar, Saurav Ghosh, Kartik Chandra Mondal.* Investigation of Possible Spin Frustration in Isolated Isosceles MnIIINiII2 Triangle: Experimental and Theoretical Studies.
Inorg. Chem. Commun., 2024, 166, 112452.
: 24/04 2024, :
106. Harsha S. Karnamkkott, Kartik Chandra Mondal.* EDA-NOCV Analysis of Labile/Non-Labile Ni-N2 Bond and Role of Ligand for Dinitrogen Binding in Isolated Complexes.
(Submitted), 2024.
105. Harsha S. Karnamkkott, Sujit Das, Totan Mondal, Kartik Chandra Mondal.* Small Molecule Activation by Sila/Germa Boryne Species.
J. Comput. Chem, 2023,
: 22/12 2023, :
104. Sonam Suthar, Kartik Chandra Mondal .* Unveiling the Bonding Scenario in Metal-Aryne Complexes with EDA-NOCV Analyses.
Organometallics, 2023,
: 18/01 2024, :
103. Rui Liu, Kartik Chandra Mondal, Chenfeng Wang, Sonam Suthar, Zijie Fang, Darui Zuo, Yan Li.* Synthesis of SiN/SiS-heterocycles via the reactions of a bis-silylene with isocyanate/isothiocyanate molecules.
Chem. Commun., 2024.
: 01/01 2024, :
102. Sonam Suthar, Kartik Chandra Mondal .* Unveiling the Anomaly of Reduction of Carborane-bis-silylene Stabilized Silylone/Germylone leading to Unusual Oxidation of Si0/Ge0 to SiI/GeI with EDA-NOCV Analyses.
Chem. Eur. J, 2023,
: 28/11 2023, :
101. Selvakumar Arumugam, Sai Manoj N. V. T. Gorantla, Christel Livia Mascarenhas, Birger Dittrich,* Kartik Chandra Mondal.* Activation of Water at Disiladicarbene: From the Perspective of Modification of Silicon Surface with Organo-Silicon compounds.
J. Chem. Sci. , 2024, 10.1007/s12039-024-02253-x.
100. Prathap Ravichandran, Sangita Mondal, Sonam Suthar, Saroj Kumar Kushvaha, Kedara T. Shivasharma, Babasaheb R. Sankapal, Herbert W. Roesky,* Kartik Chandra Mondal.* Synthesis and Reactivity Studies of Redox Active Meso-Ionic Carbene (MIC) Precursor Displaying Pseudo-Supercapacitive Properties: CO2 Mediated Atom Economic Multi-Step Rearrangement of MIC via Formation of Bis-Adduct.
(Under Revision), 2024.
99. Selvakumar Arumugam, Björn Schwarz,* Prathap Ravichandran, Sunil Kumar, Liviu Ungur,* Kartik Chandra Mondal.* Dipotassiumtetrachloride Bridged Dysprosium Metallocenes: A Single Molecule Magnet.
Dalton Trans, 2023, 52, 15326 - 15333.
: 09/06 2023, :
98. Jayasree Kumar, Imon J. Dutta, Kuduva R. Vignesh,* Kartik Chandra Mondal.* Unique Hexanuclear Mixed Bimetallic MnIII2NiII4 Complex Possessing Both Jahn-Teller Tetragonally Elongated and Compressed MnIII Ions: Spin Frustration.
Cryst. Growth Des., 2024.
97. Sonam Suthar, Kartik Chandra Mondal.* Open Shell versus Closed Shell Bonding Interaction in Cyclopropane Derivatives: EDA-NOCV Analyses.
J. Comput. Chem, 2023, 44, 2184-2211.
: 02/08 2023, :
96. Jayasree Kumar, Ibtesham Tarannum, Saurabh Kumar Singh,* Kartik Chandra Mondal.* A Spin Frustrated Azide and Alkoxide Bridged Hetero-bimetallic Mixed Valence MnIIMnIII2NiII4 Disc with S = 17/2 or 19/2.
ACS Omega, 2024, 9, 5809–5818.
: 23/01 2024, :
95. Sujit Das, Kavita Devi, Sonam Suthar, Kartik Chandra Mondal .* Bonding and Stability of Elusive Silaboryne (SiB) and Germaboryne (GeB) with Donor Base Ligands.
J. Comput. Chem, 2023, 44, 1673-1689.
[ ]
: 13/5 2023, :
94. Selvakumar Arumugam, Saroj Kumar Kushvaha, Prathap Ravichandran, Jayasree Kumar, Sai Manoj N. V. T. Gorantla, Totan Mondal, Herbert W. Roesky,* Kartik Chandra Mondal.* Carbene-Functionalized Bulky-Cyclopentadiene Rings.
Chem. Eur. J, 2025, (Accepted).
: 23/01 2025, :
93. Jayasree Kumar, Nikhil George Mohan, Tamilselvi Gurusamy, Sai Manoj N. V. T. Gorantla, Prathap Ravichandran, Kothandaraman Ramanujam,* Kartik Chandra Mondal.* Electrochemical Dinitrogen to Ammonia Reduction at a Nickel(II) Site: An Easy Access to an Air-Stable Catalyst.
J. Mat. Chem. A , 2024.
[From the themed collection: Journal of Materials Chemistry A HOT Papers]
: 11/01 2024, :
92. Sunil Kumar, Selvakumar Arumugam, Björn Schwarz,* Helmut Ehrenberg, Kartik Chandra Mondal.* Static and Dynamic Magnetic Properties of a Co(II)-Complex with N2O2 Donor Set – A Theoretical and Experimental Study .
Eur. J. Inorg. Chem., 2023, e202200774.
[Front Cover]
: 10/02 2023, :
91. Selvakumar Arumugam, Madhuri Bhattacharya, Sai Manoj N. V. T. Gorantla, Kartik Chandra Mondal .* Redox Active cAAC–Fluorene/Indene Systems Displaying Solvatochromism, Green Luminescence and pH Sensing: Functionalization of Fluorenyl/Indenyl Rings with Radical Carbene .
Chem. Asian J., 2022, 18, e202201041.
: 24/11 2022, :
89. Saroj Kumar Kushvaha, Prathap Ravichandran, Chen Dan, Liviu Ungur,* Nithin Suryadevara, Mario Ruben,* Kartik Chandra Mondal.* Dysprosium-Radical Based Single-Molecule Magnet Containing a Seven Coordinate Dy(III) Ion: A System for ab initio Study.
Eur. J. Inorg. Chem. , 2024, 27, e202300598.
88. Jayasree Kumar, Ibtesham Tarannum, Yan-Zhen Zheng,* Saurabh Kumar Singh,* Kartik Chandra Mondal.* Assembly of MnIII ions into Di-, Tetra-, Deca-nuclear Coordination Complexes, Zero- to Three-Dimensional Molecular Framework: Molecular Spin Flop to and Bulk Magnetic Spin Flop Ordering.
CrystEngComm, 2024, 26, 80-99.
87. Harsha S. Karnamkkott, Sai Manoj N. V. T. Gorantla, Kartik Chandra Mondal.* EDA-NOCV Analyses M−E2 bond: E2 Binding and Activation [E2 = N2, H2].
J. Chem. Sci. , 2024, 136, 55.
: 19/7 2024, :
86. Sai Manoj N. V. T. Gorantla, Harsha S. Karnamkkott, Selvakumar Arumugam, Sangita Mondal, Kartik Chandra Mondal.* Stability and Bonding of Carbon(0)-Iron−N2 Complexes Relevant to Nitrogenase Co-factor: EDA-NOCV Analyses.
J. Comput. Chem., 2023, 44, 43-60.
[Front Cover]
[ ]
: 28/09/ 2022, :
85. Ekta Nag, Sridhar Battuluri, Kartik Chandra Mondal, Sudipta Roy.* Isolation of Homo/Mixed Valence Ag12, Ag29, and Ag8 Clusters Stabilized by Cyclic Alkyl(amino) Carbene-Anchored Monoanionic Phosphorus Ligand.
Chem. Eur. J., 2022, 28, e202202324.
: 30/09/ 2022, 10.1002/chem.202202324
84. Pragyansh Singh, Sören Schlittenhardt, Dewendra Thakre, Saroj Kushvaha, Sunil Kumar, Harsha S. Karnamkkott, Mario Ruben, Masooma Ibrahim, Abhishek Banerjee,* Kartik Chandra Mondal.* Exploration of Vanadium(IV)-based Single-Ion Magnet Properties in Diphosphonate Supported Mixed-valent Polyoxovanadates.
Cryst. Growth Des., 2022, 22, 5666–5679.
: 22/08/ 2022, :
83. Akshay Chauhan, Harsha S. Karnamkkott, Sai Manoj N. V. T. Gorantla, Kartik Chandra Mondal.* Dinitrogen Binding and Activation: Bonding Analyses of Stable V(III/I)−N2−V(III/I) Complex by EDA-NOCV Method from Perspective of Vanadium Nitrogenase.
ACS Omega, 2022, 7, 31577–31590.
: 25/08/ 2022, :
82. Sai Manoj N. V. T. Gorantla, Kartik Chandra Mondal*. Bonding and Stability of Active Catalyst Ni(II)-Species Coordinated by Intermediate Ester-Functionalized Carbene Ligands: A Deeper Insight via EDA-NOCV Calculations.
Chem. Asian. J., 2022, 17, e202200572.
: 04/08/ 2022, : DOI:10.1002/asia.202200572
81. Sai Manoj N. V. T. Gorantla, Kartik Chandra Mondal.* Uncovering the Hidden Reactivity of Benzyne Precursors Utilised under Milder Condition: Bonding and Stability Studies by EDA-NOCV Analyses.
J. Comput. Chem., 2022, 43, 1543-1560.
: 21/07 2022, :
80. Kavita Devi, Sai Manoj N. V. T. Gorantla, Kartik Chandra Mondal.* EDA-NOCV Analysis of Carbene-Borylene Bonded Dinitrogen Complexes for Deeper Bonding Insight: A Fair Comparison with a Metal-Dinitrogen System.
J. Comput. Chem., 2022, 43, 757-777.
: 15/03/ 2022, :
79. Sai Manoj N. V. T. Gorantla, Sudip Pan, Kartik Chandra Mondal,* Gernot Frenking.* Bonding analysis of the C2 precursor Me3E−C2−I(Ph)FBF3 (E = C, Si, Ge).
Pure and Applied Chemistry, 2022, 94, 767-781.
: 14/03/ 2022, :
78. Saroj Kumar Kushvaha, Kartik Chandra Mondal.* Molecular Hybrid Phosphors: Synthesis, Characterization and Applications.
pp 73-104. ISBN: 978-3-030-90506-4. First Online: 01 January 2022. Springer publisher.
77. Saroj Kumar Kushvaha, Sai Manoj N. V. T. Gorantla, Kartik Chandra Mondal.* Stabilization of Interstellar CSi2 Species by Donor Base Ligands: L-CSi2-L; L= cAACMe, NHCMe, and PMe3.
J. Phys. Chem. A , 2022, 126, 845–858.
: 04/02/ 2022, :
76. Saroj Kumar Kushvaha, Ankush Mishra, Herbert W. Roesky,* Kartik Chandra Mondal.* Recent advances in the domain of Cyclic (alkyl)(amino) carbenes.
Chem. Asian J., 2022, 17, e202101301.
: 06/01/ 2022, :
75. Kavita Devi, Sai Manoj N. V. T. Gorantla, Kartik Chandra Mondal.* Dinitrogen Binding Relevant to FeMoco of Nitrogenase: Clear Visualization of σ-Donation and π-Backdonation from Deformation Electron Densities around Carbon/Silicon-Iron Site.
Eur. J. Inorg. Chem., 2022, e202100931.
: 12/01/ 2022, :
74. Ekta Nag, Aditya Kulkarni, Sai Manoj N. V. T. Gorantla, Nico Graw, Maria Francis, Regine Herbst-Irmer, c Dietmar Stalke,* Herbert W. Roesky,* Kartik Chandra Mondal,* Sudipta Roy.* Fluorescent Organo-Antimony Compounds as Precursors for Syntheses of Redox-Active Trimeric and Dimeric Alkali Metal Antimonides: An Insight into Electron Transfer Reduction Processes.
Dalton Trans., 2022, 51, 1791-1805.
[HOT Article & Inside Front Cover]
: 21/12/ 2022, :
73. Harsha S. Karnamkkott, Sai Manoj N. V. T. Gorantla, Kavita Devi, Geetika Tiwari, Kartik Chandra Mondal.* Bonding and Stability of Dinitrogen-Bonded Donor Base-Stabilized Si(0)/Ge(0) Species [(cAACMe-Si/Ge)2(N2)]: EDA-NOCV Analysis.
RSC Adv., 2022, 12, 4081-4093.
: 01/02/ 2022, : 10.1039/D1RA07714G
72. Sai Manoj N. V. T. Gorantla, Kartik Chandra Mondal.* Estimations of Fe0/-1−N2 Interaction Energies of Iron(0)-Dicarbene and its Reduced Analogue by EDA-NOCV Analyses: Crucial Steps in Dinitrogen Activation Under Mild Condition.
RSC Adv., 2022, 12 , 3465-3475.
: 26/01/ 2022, : 10.1039/D1RA08348A
71. Sai Manoj N. V. T. Gorantla, Kartik Chandra Mondal.* Estimations of Fe–N2 Intrinsic Interaction Energies of Iron–Sulfur/Nitrogen–Carbon Sites: A Deeper Bonding Insight by EDA-NOCV Analysis of a Model Complex of the Nitrogenase Cofactor.
ACS Omega , 2021, 6, 49, 33932.
: 02/12/ 2021, : 10.1021/acsomega.1c05238
70. Sai Manoj N. V. T. Gorantla, Kartik Chandra Mondal.* EDA–NOCV Calculation for Efficient N2 Binding to the Reduced Ni3S8 Complex: Estimation of Ni–N2 Intrinsic Interaction Energies.
ACS Omega , 2021, 6, 49, 33389.
: 02/12/ 2021, : 10.1021/acsomega.1c03715
69. Sai Manoj N. V. T. Gorantla , Kartik Chandra Mondal.* Energy Decomposition Analysis Coupled with Natural Orbitals for Chemical Valence and Nucleus-Independent Chemical Shift Analysis of Bonding, Stability, and Aromaticity of Functionalized Fulvenes: A Bonding Insight.
ACS Omega, 2021, 6, 17798.
: 06/07/ 2021, : 10.1021/acsomega.1c00648
68. Saroj Kumar Kushvaha, Maria Francis, Jayasree Kumar, Ekta Nag, Prathap Ravichandran, Sudipta Roy,* Kartik Chandra Mondal.* Synthesis, oligomerization and catalytic studies of a redox-active Ni4-cubane: a detailed mechanistic investigation.
RSC Adv., 2021, 11, 22849-22858.
: 30/06/ 2021, : 10.1039/D1RA03071J
67. Sai Manoj N. V. T. Gorantla, Pattiyil Parameswaran,* Kartik Chandra Mondal.* Stabilization of group 14 elements E = C, Si, Ge by hetero-bileptic ligands cAAC, MCOn with push-pull mechanism.
J. Comput. Chem., 2021, 42, 1159-1177.
: 15/04/ 2021, : 10.1002/jcc.26530
[Featured as front cover page]
66. Sai Manoj N. V. T. Gorantla, Maria Francis, Sudipta Roy,* Kartik Chandra Mondal.* Bonding and stability of donor ligand-supported heavier analogues of cyanogen halides (L′)PSi(X)(L).
RSC Adv., 2021, 11, 6586-6603.
: 10/02/ 2021, : 10.1039/D0RA10338A
65. Sai Manoj N. V. T. Gorantla, Kartik Chandra Mondal.* Bonding and stability of C6F4 bridged by bis-carbenes: EDA-NOCV analysis of (L)2C6F4 [L= SNHCDip , cAACMe].
Eur. J. Inorg. Chem., 2021, 960–968.
: 22/01/ 2021, : 10.1002/ejic.202001056
64. Sai Manoj N. V. T. Gorantla, Sudip Pan, Kartik Chandra Mondal,* Gernot Frenking.* Revisiting the Bonding Scenario of Two Donor Ligand Stabilized C2 Species.
J. Phys. Chem. A, 2021, 125, 291-301.
: 28/12/ 2020, : 10.1021/acs.jpca.0c09951
63. Sai Manoj N. V. T. Gorantla, Sudip Pan, Kartik Chandra Mondal,* Gernot Frenking.* Stabilization of Linear C3 by Two Donor Ligands. A Theoretical Study of L‐C3-L (L = PPh3 , NHCMe , CAACMe ).
Chem. Eur. J., 2020, 26, 14211-14220.
: 02/08/ 2020, :
[Published as HOT article]
62. Adithya Kulkarni, Selvakumar Arumugam, Maria Francis, Pulikant Guruprasad Reddy, Ekta Nag, N .V. T. Sai Manoj Gorantla, Kartik Chandra Mondal,* Sudipta Roy.* Solid State Isolation of Cyclic Alkyl(Amino) Carbene (cAAC)‐Supported Structurally Diverse Alkali Metal‐Phosphinidenides.
Chem. Eur. J., 2021, 27, 200-206.
: 18/08/ 2020, : 10.1002/chem.202003505
[Highlighted in frontispiece of Chem. Eur. J]
61. Selvakumar Arumugam, Pulikant Guruprasad Reddy, Maria Francis, Adithya Kulkarni, Sudipta Roy, Kartik Chandra Mondal.* Highly fluorescent aryl-cyclopentadienyl ligands and their tetra-nuclear mixed metallic potassium-dysprosium clusters.
RSC Adv., 2020, 10, 39366-39372.
[Selected in Edior's Choice in “Shining a Light on the f-Block”, guest edited by Dr Robert Baker (Trinity College Dublin), 2022]
: 30/09/ 2020, :
60. Selvakumar Arumugam, Saroj Kumar Kushvaha, Bhaskaran Shankar, Sai Manoj N. V. T. Gorantla, Sudipta Roy, Biprojit Sana, Panchanana Khuntia, Kartik Chandra Mondal.* Tuning Nuclearity of Dysprosium(III) Complexes by Controlling Substitution on Ligand Molecule.
ChemistrySelect, 2020, 5, 9787–9792.
: 20/08/ 2020, : 10.1002/slct.202001766
59. Selvakumar Arumugam, Bhaskaran Shankar, Kartik Chandra Mondal.* Redox Active Hexanuclear Mixed Valence Dicationic Ce(III)/Ce(IV) Coordination Clusters.
Eur. J. Inorg. Chem., 2020, 4127-4136.
: 30/09/ 2020, : 10.1002/ejic.202000659
58. Ekta Nag, Sai Manoj N. V. T. Gorantla, Selvakumar Arumugam, Adithya Kulkarni, Kartik Chandra Mondal,* Sudipta Roy.* Tridentate Nickel(II)-Catalyzed Chemodivergent C-H Functionalization and Cyclopropanation: Regioselective and Diastereoselective Access to Substituted Aromatic Heterocycles.
Org. Lett., 2020, 22, 6313–6318.
: 05/08/ 2020, : 10.1021/acs.orglett.0c02138
57. Saroj Kumar Kushvaha, Selvakumar Arumugam, Bhaskaran Shankar, Ravi ShankarSarkar, Venkatachala Ramkumar, Kartik Chandra Mondal.* Isolation and Characterization of Different Homometallic and Heterobimetallic Complexes of Nickel and Zinc Ions by Controlling Molar Ratios and Solvents.
Eur. J. Inorg. Chem., 2019, 24, 2871–2882.
[VIP article with Back Cover page]
: 02/05/ 2019, : 10.1002/ejic.201900338
56. Sai Manoj N. V. T. Gorantla, Pulikanti Guruprasad Reddy, Sayed mohammed Abdul Shakoor, Rajkumar Mandal, Sudipta Roy,* Kartik Chandra Mondal.* Tetranuclear 3d/4f Coordination Complexes as Homogeneous Catalysts for Bis(Indolyl)Methane Syntheses.
ChemistrySelect, 2019, 4, 7722–7727.
: 11/07/ 2019, :
55. Sai Manoj N. V. T. Gorantla, Saroj Kumar Kushvaha, Rajkumar Mandal, Kartik Chandra Mondal.* A Series of Umbrella- Shape Copper-Lanthanides Based Mixed Metallic Coordination Complexes.
ChemistrySelect, 2019, 4, 8424–8428.
: 01/08 2019, :
54. Saroj Kumar Kushvaha, Bhaskaran Shankar, N. V. T. Sai Manoj Gorantla, Kartik Chandra Mondal.* A Fluorescent Hexanuclear Zn(II) Complex.
ChemistrySelect, 2019, 4, 3334–3339.
: 25/03 /2019, : 10.1002/slct.201803745
53. Jayasree Kumar, Sai Manoj N. V. T. Gorantla, Sudipta Roy,* Alexander Noel Paesch, Regine Herbst-Irmer, Prof. Dr. Dietmar Stalke,* Dr. Chakkittakandiyil Anusha, Dr. Pattiyil Parameswaran,* Prof. Dr. Herbert w.Roesky,* Kartik Chandra Mondal.* A Dicobalt Coordination Complex with a Short Cobalt-Cobalt Distance.
ChemistrySelect, 2018, 3, 8221–8228.
: 27/07/ 2018, : 10.1002/slct.201801172
52. Sudipta Roy, Kartik Chandra Mondal,* Subrata Kundu, Bin Li, Christian J Schürmann, Sayan Dutta, Debasis Koley,* Dietmar Stalke,* Regine Herbst-Irmer, Herbert W. Roesky.* Two Structurally Characterized Conformational Isomers with Different C-P Bonds.
Chem. Eur. J., 2017, 23, 12153–12157.
: 26/06/ 2017, : 10.1002/slct.201801172
51. Kartik Chandra Mondal,* Sudipta Roy, Birger Dittrich,* Diego M. Andrada, Gernot Frenking,* Herbert W. Roesky.* A Triatomic Silicon(0) Cluster Stabilized by a Cyclic Alkyl(amino) Carbene.
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2016, 55, 3158-3161.
[VIP article]
[ ]
: 28/01/ 2016, :
Publication before joining IIT Madras
50. Kartik Chandra Mondal,* Sudipta Roy, Bholanath Maity, Debasis Koley,* Herbert W. Roesky.* Estimation of sigma-Donation and pi-Backdonation of Cyclic Alkyl(amino) carbene Containing Compounds.
Inorg. Chem., 2016, 55, 163–169.
49. Sudipta Roy, Kartik Chandra Mondal, Herbert W. Roesky.* Cyclic Alkyl(amino) Carbene Stabilized Low Coordinate Metal Complexes of Enduring Nature.
Acc. Chem. Res., 2016, 49, 357−369.
48. Kartik Chandra Mondal, Sudipta Roy, Herbert W. Roesky.* Silicon Based Radical, Radical ion and Diradical.
Chem. Soc. Rev., 2016, 45, 1080-1111.
[Highlighted in Atlas Science news,]
47. Sudipta Roy, Kartik Chandra Mondal,* Totan Mondal, Debasis Koley,* Birger Dittrich,* Herbert W. Roesky.* Monomeric siliconthiodichloride trapped by a Lewis base.
Dalton Trans., 2015, 44, 19942-19947.
46. Kartik Chandra Mondal, Sudipta Roy, Birger Dittrich,* Bholanath Maity, Sayan Dutta, Debasis Koley,* Suresh Kumar Vasa, Rasmus Linser, Sebastian Dechert, Herbert W. Roesky.* A Soluble Molecular Variant of the Semiconducting Silicondiselenide.
Chem. Sc., 2015, 6, 5230–5234.
45. Chandrajeet Mohapatra, Kartik Chandra Mondal, Prinson P. Samuel, Helena Keil, Benedikt Niepötter, Regine Herbst- Irmer, Dietmar Stalke,* Sayan Dutta, Debasis Koley,* Herbert W. Roesky.* A Stable Dimer of SiS2 Arranged Between Two Carbene Molecules.
Chem. Eur. J., 2015, 21, 12572–12576.
[Highlighted in frontispiece of Chem. Eur. J]
44. Kartik Chandra Mondal, Valeriu Mereacre, George E. Kostakis, Yanhua Lan,, Christopher E. Anson, Ion Prisecaru, Oliver Waldmann, Annie K. Powell.* A Strongly Spin-Frustrated FeIII7 Complex with a Canted Intermediate Spin Ground State of S = 7/2 or 9/2.
Chem. Eur. J., 2015, 21, 10835 –10842.
43. Kerim Samedov, Robert West,* Paul W. Percival, Jean-Claude Brodovitch, Lalangi Chandrasena, Mina Mozafari, Reinhard Tacke, Konstantin Junold, Claudia Kobelt, Prinson P. Samuel, Ramachandran Azhakar, Kartik Chandra Mondal, Herbert W. Roesky, Matthias Driess, Wenyuan Wang. Free radicals reactivity of N-donor stabilized silicon(II) compounds probed by muon spin spectroscopy.
Organometallics, 2015, 34, 3532–3537.
42. Sudipta Roy, Kartik Chandra Mondal, Jann Meyer, Benedikt Niepötter, Christian Köhler, Regine Herbst-Irmer, Dietmar Stalke, Birger Dittrich,* Diego M. Andrada, Gernot Frenking,* Herbert W. Roesky.* Syntheses, Characterization and Theoretical Investigation of Two Coordinate Palladium(0) and Platinum(0) Complexes Utilizing pi-accepting Carbenes.
Chem. Eur. J., 2015, 21, 9312–9318.
[Featured as HOT paper and Inside cover page]
41. Prinson P. Samuel, Roman Neufeld, Kartik Chandra Mondal, Herbert W. Roesky,* Regine Herbst-Irmer, Dietmar Stalke,* Serhiy Demeshko, Franc Meyer, Vallyanga Chalil Rojisha, Susmita De, Pattiyil Parameswaran,* A. Claudia Stückl, Wolfgang Kaim, Jonathan H. Christian, Jasleen K. Bindrad, Naresh S. Dalal.* Cr(I)Cl as well as Cr+ are stabilised between two cyclic alkyl amino carbenes.
Chem. Sc., 2015, 6, 3148–3153.
40. Sudipta Roy, Kartik Chandra Mondal, Lennard Krause, Peter Stollberg, Regine Herbst-Irmer, Dietmar Stalke,* Jann Meyer, A. Claudia Stückl, Bholanath Maity, Debasis Koley,* Suresh Kumar Vasa, Sheng Qi Xiang, Rasmus Linser, Herbert W. Roesky.* Electron Mediated Conversion of Silylones to Six-membered Cyclic Silylenes.
J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2014, 136, 16776–16779.
[Featured in JACS Spotlights]
39. Birger Dittrich,* Claudia M. Wandtke, Alke Meents, Kevin Prçpper, Kartik Chandra Mondal, Prinson P. Samuel, Nurul Amin Sk, Amit P. Singh, Herbert W. Roesky,* Navdeep Sidhu. Aspherical-Atom Modeling of Coordination Compounds by Single-Crystal X-ray Diffraction Allows the Correct Metal Atom To Be Identified.
ChemPhysChem., 2015, 16, 412–419.
38. Kartik Chandra Mondal, Birger Dittrich,* Bholanath Maity, Debasis Koley,* Herbert W. Roesky.* Cyclic Alkyl(amino) Carbene Stabilized Biradical of Disilicontetrachloride.
J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2014, 136, 9568−9571.
[Featured in JACS Spotlights]
37. Kartik Chandra Mondal, Prinson P. Samuel, Herbert W. Roesky,* Rinat R. Aysin, Larissa A. Leites, Sven Neudeck, Jens Lübben, Birger Dittrich,* Markus Hermann, Gernot Frenking.* One Electron Mediated Rearrangements of 2,3- Disiladicarbene.
J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2014, 136, 8919–8922.
36. Prinson P. Samuel, Kartik Chandra Mondal, Herbert W. Roesky,* Elena Carl, Roman Neufeld, Dietmar Stalke,* Serhiy Demeshko, Franc Meyer,* Liviu Unger, Liviu Chibotaru, Jonathan Christian, Vasanth Ramachandran, Johan van Tol, Naresh Dalal.* Electronic Structure and Slow Magnetic Relaxation of Low-Coordinate Cyclic Alkyl(amino) Carbene Stabilized Iron(I) Complexes.
J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2014, 136, 11964–11971.
35. Kartik Chandra Mondal, Sudipta Roy, Susmita De, Pattiyil Parameswaran, Birger Dittrich,* Serhiy Demeshko, Fabian Ehret, Wolfgang Kaim, Herbert W. Roesky.* Stabilization of a Two Coordinate Mono-Atomic Cobalt(0) compound.
Chem. Eur. J., 2014, 20, 11646-11649.
[Selected for front cover page]
34. Jinjin Wang, Rui Liu, Wenqing Ruan, Yan Li, Kartik Chandra Mondal, Herbert W. Roesky,* Hongping Zhu.* N–P Bond Cleavage Induced Ring Formation of Cyclosilazanes from Reactions of Aryl(phosphanyl)aminotrichlorosilanes with Lithium Alkynyls.
Organometallics, 2014, 33, 2696–2703.
33. David S. Weinberger, Nurul Amin SK, Kartik Chandra Mondal, Mohand Melaimi, Guy Bertrand,* A. Claudia Stückl, Herbert W. Roesky,* Birger Dittrich,* Serhiy Demeshko, Brigitte Schwederski, Wolfgang Kaim, Paul Jerabek, Gernot Frenking.* Isolation of Neutral Mononuclear Copper Complexes Stabilized by Two Cyclic (Alkyl)(amino)Carbenes.
J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2014, 136, 6235–6238.
32. Kartik Chandra Mondal, Prinson P. Samuel, Herbert W. Roesky,* Benedikt Niepötter, Regine Herbst-Irmer, Dietmar Stalke,* Fabian Ehret, Wolfgang Kaim, Bholanath Maity, Debasis Koley.* Synthesis and Characterization of a Triphenyl-Substituted Radical and an Unprecedented Formation of a Carbene-Functionalized Quinodimethane.
Chem. Eur. J., 2014, 20, 9240–9245.
31. Bappa Gole, Kartik Chandra Mondal, Partha Sarathi Mukherjee.* Tuning Nuclearity of Clusters by Positional Change of Functional Group: Synthesis of Polynuclear Clusters, Crystal Structures and Magnetic Properties.
Inorg. Chim. Acta., 2014, 415, 151-164.
30. Yan Li, Kartik Chandra Mondal, Prinson P. Samuel, Hongping Zhu,* Claudia M. Orben, Saravanan Panneerselvam, Birger Dittrich,* Brigitte Schwederski, Wolfgang Kaim, Totan Mondal, Debasis Koley,* Herbert W. Roesky.* C4 cumulene, its Air-stable Radical Cation and Dication.
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2014, 53, 4168–4172.
29. Yan Li, Kartik Chandra Mondal, Peter Stollberg, Hongping Zhu,* Herbert W. Roesky,* Regine Herbst-Irmer, Dietmar Stalke, Heike Fliegl. Unusual Formation of a N-heterocyclic Germylene via Homolytic Cleavage of a C-C Bond.
Chem. Commun., 2014, 50, 3356–3358.
[Featured as HOT article]
28. Kartik Chandra Mondal, Prinson P Samuel, Herbert W Roesky,* Elena Carl, Regine Herbst-Irmer, Dietmar Stalke,* Brigitte Schwederski, Wolfgang Kaim, Liviu Ungur, Liviu F. Chibotaru, Markus Hermann, Gernot Frenking.* Stabilization of a Cobalt-Cobalt Bond by Two Cyclic Alkyl Amino Carbenes.
J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2014, 136, 1770−1773.
27. Yan Li, Kartik Chandra Mondal, Jens Lübben, Hongping Zhu,* Birger Dittrich,* Indu Purushothaman, Pattiyil Parameswaran,* Herbert W. Roesky.* A Functionalized Ge3-compound with a Dual Character of the Central Germanium Atom.
Chem. Commun., 2014, 50, 2986–2989.
26. Kartik Chandra Mondal, Prinson P. Samuel, Yan Li, Herbert W. Roesky,* Sudipta Roy, Lutz Ackermann,* Navdeep S. Sidhu, George M. Sheldrick, Elena Carl, Serhiy Demeshko, Susmita De, Pattiyil Parameswaran, Liviu Ungur, Liviu F. Chibotaru, Diego M. Andrada. A Catalyst with Two Coordinate Nickel: Theoretical and Catalytic Studies.
Eur. J. Inorg. Chem., 2014, 818–823.
25. Benedikt Niepötter, Regine Herbst-Irmer, Daniel Kratzert, Prinson P. Samuel, Kartik Chandra Mondal, Herbert W. Roesky,* Paul Jerabek, Gernot Frenking,* Dietmar Stalke.* Experimental Charge Density Study of a Silylone.
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2014, 53, 2766–2770.
24. Kartik Chandra Mondal, Herbert W. Roesky,* Birger Dittrich,* Nicole Holzmann, Markus Hermann, Gernot Frenking,* Alke Meents. Formation of a 1,4-Diamino-2,3-disila-1,3-butadiene Derivative.
J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2013, 135, 15990−15993.
[Highlighted in Nachrichten aus der Chemie, 2014, 62, 3]
23. Kartik Chandra Mondal, Herbert W. Roesky,* A. Claudia Stückl, Fabian Ehret, Wolfgang Kaim,* Birger Dittrich,* Bholanath Maity and Debasis Koley.* Formation of Trichlorosilyl Substituted Carbon Centered Stable Radicals by Utilizing π-Accepting Carbenes.
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2013, 52, 11804 –11807.
[Highlighted in Nachrichten aus der Chemie, 2014, 62, 3]
22. Prinson P, Samuel, Kartik Chandra Mondal, Herbert W. Roesky,* Markus Hermann, Gernot Frenking,* Serhiy Demeshko, Franc Meyer, A.Claudia Stückl, Jonathan H. Christian, Naresh S. Dalal, Liviu Ungur, Liviu F. Chibotaru, Kevin Pröpper, Alke Meents and Birger Dittrich.* Synthesis and Characterization of (cAAC)2Mn with Dicoordinate Manganese and its Reaction with Molecular Hydrogen at Room Temperature.
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2013, 52, 11817–11821.
21. Yan Li, Kartik Chandra Mondal, Herbert W. Roesky,* Hongping Zhu,* Peter Stollberg, Regine Herbst-Irmer, Dietmar Stalke,* Diego M. Andrada.* Acyclic Germylones: Congeners of Allenes with a Central Germanium Atom.
J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2013, 135, 12422−12428.
[Highlighted in Nachrichten aus der Chemie, 2014, 62, 3]
20. Amit Pratap Singh, Prinson P. Samuel, Kartik Chandra Mondal, Herbert W. Roesky,* Navdeep S. Sidhu, Birger Dittrich.* Lewis Base Stabilized Group 14 Metalylenes.
Organometallics, 2013, 32, 354–357.
19. Kartik Chandra Mondal, Prinson P. Samuel, Mykyta Tretiakov, Amit Pratap Singh, Herbert W. Roesky,* A. Claudia Stückl, Benedikt Niepötter, Elena Carl, Hilke Wolf, Regine Herbst-Irmer, Dietmar Stalke.* An Easy Access to Silicon(0) and Silicon(II) Compounds.
Inorg. Chem., 2013, 52, 4736–4743.
18. Kartik Chandra Mondal, Herbert W. Roesky,* Martin C. Schwarzer, Gernot Frenking,* Benedikt Niepötter, Hilke Wolf, Regine Herbst-Irmer, Dietmar Stalke.* A Stable Singlet Biradicaloid Siladicarbene: (L:)2Si.
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2013, 52, 2963–2967.
[Highlighted in Nachrichten aus der Chemie, 2014, 62, 3]
17. Kartik Chandra Mondal, Herbert W. Roesky,* Martin C. Schwarzer, Gernot Frenking,* Igor Tkach, Hilke Wolf, Daniel Kratzert, Regine Herbst-Irmer, Benedikt Niepötter, Dietmar Stalke.* Conversion of a Singlet Silylene to a Stable Biradical.
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2013, 52, 1801–1805.
[VIP article, Selected for back cover page;Highlighted in Nachrichtenaus der Chemie, 2014, 62, 3]
16. Kartik Chandra Mondal, George E. Kostakis, Yanhua Lan, Annie K. Powell.* Defect-Magnetic Properties of Five Planar Defect Dicubanes of [LnIII4 (μ3-OH)2(L)4(HL)2]·2THF (Ln = Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho and Er).
Polyedron, 2013, 66, 268–273.
15. Kartik Chandra Mondal, Alexander Sundt,, Yanhua Lan, George E. Kostakis, Oliver Waldmann, Liviu Ungur, Liviu F. Chibotaru, Christopher E. Anson, Annie K. Powell.* Defect-Coexistence of Distinct Single-Ion and Exchange-Based Mechanisms for Blocking of Magnetization in a CoII2DyIII2 Single-Molecule Magnet.
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2012, 51, 7550 –7554.
14. Kartik Chandra Mondal, George E. Kostakis, Yanhua Lan, Wolfgang Wernsdorfer, Christopher E. Anson, Annie K. Powell.* Defect-Dicubane Ni2Ln2 (Ln = Dy, Tb) Single Molecule Magnets.
Inorg. Chem., 2011, 50, 11604–11611.
13. Kartik Chandra Mondal, Bappa Gole, S. R. Batten, Y. Song, S. Batten, D. Turner, Partha S. Mukherjee.* Synthesis and Characterization of a Rare Hemiacetalate Bridged Incomplete CuII4 Cluster and Two 1D Chain of Defect Cubane Na2Ni2 : Synthesis, Crystal Structure, Magnetic Property, EPR and Theoretical Study.
J. Chem. Sci., 2011, 123, 807–818.
12. Zeeshan Majeed, Kartik Chandra Mondal, George E. Kostakis, Yanhua Lan, Christopher E. Anson, Annie K. Powell.* Structure and Magnetic Properties of a Decanuclear MnII2MnIII2Dy6 Aggregate.
Dalton. Trans., 2010, 29, 4740–4743.
11. Zeeshan Majeed, Kartik Chandra Mondal, George E. Kostakis, Yanhua Lan, Christopher E. Anson, Annie K. Powell.* [LnNa(PhCO2)4] (Ln = Ho, Dy): The First Examples of Chiral srs 3D Networks Constructed using the Monotopic Benzoate Ligand.
Chem. Commun., 2010, 46, 2551–2553.
[Selected for inside cover page]
10. Kartik Chandra Mondal, George E. Kostakis, Yanhua Lan, Christopher E. Anson, Annie K. Powell.* Spin Canting and Metamagnetic Behaviour of a New Species from Hydrothermal Co(II)-trans-3-Pyridylacrylate System.
Inorg. Chem., 2009, 48, 9205–9213.
9. G.E. Kostakis, Kartik Chandra Mondal, C. E. Anson, A.K. Powell.* Influence of the Metal Radius on the Dimensionality of Hydrogen-Bonded Metal Supramolecular Frameworks in the Metal/p-BDTH2 (1,4–Benzeneditetrazol-5-yl) Reaction System.
Polyhedron, 2010, 29, 24–29.
8. George E. Kostakis, Kartik Chandra Mondal, Ghulam Abbas, Yanhua Lan, Ghenadie Novitchi, Gernot Buth, Christopher E. Anson, Annie K. Powell.* [Cu(N3)(p-CPA)]n: a two dimensional network exhibiting spin reorientation.
CrystEngComm., 2009, 11, 2084–2088.
7. Kartik Chandra Mondal, O. Sengupta, P. Dutta, M. Seehra, S. K. Nayak, Partha S. Mukherjee.* Three-Dimensional 3d–4f Heterometallic Polymers Containing both Azide and Carboxylate as Co-Ligands.
Inorg. Chim. Acta., 2009, 362, 1913–1917.
6. Kartik Chandra Mondal, Oindrila Sengupta, Partha S. Mukherjee.* Synthesis and Characterization of a Rare Hemiacetalate Bridged Incomplete CuII4 Dicubane Cluster.
Inorg. Chem. Commun., 2009, 12, 682–685.
5. Kartik Chandra Mondal, Partha S. Mukherjee.* Mn(II) Azido Chain using a New Amide Ligand: Synthesis, Crystal Structure and Variable Temperature Magnetic Behavior.
Synthesis and reactivity of Inorganic, Metal-Organic, and Nano-metal Chemistry, 2007, 37, 735–739.
4. Kartik Chandra Mondal, Partha S. Mukherjee.* Three New Cu−Azido Polymers and Their Systematic Interconversion: Role of the Amount of the Blocking Amine on the Structural Diversity and Magnetic Behavior.
Inorg. Chem., 2008, 47, 4215–4225.
3. Kartik Chandra Mondal, Oindrila Sengupta, M. Nethaji, Partha S. Mukherjee.* Assembling Metals (CoIIand MnII) with Pyridylcarboxylates in the Presence of Azide: Synthesis, Structural Aspects and Magnetic Behavior of Three Coordination Polymers.
Dalton Trans., 2008, 767–775.
2. Kartik Chandra Mondal, Y. Song, Partha S. Mukherjee.* Self Assembly of A Mn9([Mn9O7(H2O)3(L)11(L')2(L'')]) Nanoscopic Mixed-Valent Cluster: Synthesis, Crystal Structure and Magnetic Property, A SMM.
Inorg. Chem., 2007, 46, 9736–9742.
1. Kartik Chandra Mondal, Mike G. B. Drew, Partha S. Mukherjee.* Synthesis of a Mn6 Cluster and Its Self-Assembly of An Azido-Bridged Polymer.
Inorg. Chem., 2007, 46, 5625–5629.